Sunday, January 17, 2010

Prayers for aid workers in Haiti

Today my thoughts are especially with those who are trying to administer aid in the midst of the tremendous obstacles: difficulties getting into the country, the challenges of getting aid to those who need it, the overwhelming numbers of people in need and the insufficient numbers of those available to help, the threat of rioting by desperate people.

Hold on your way; fear not,
for God will be with you.
(D&C 122:9)

Lift up your heads and be comforted,
notwithstanding your many strugglings
which have been in vain.
I trust there remains
an effective struggle to be made;
therefore lift up your heads,
and put your trust in God.
(Mosiah 7:18-19)

All things must come to pass in their time;
therefore, be not weary in well-doing.
(D&C 64:32-33)

Lord, give success to the laborers.
Comfort their souls.
Grant them strength to bear the afflictions
that will come upon them.
(Alma 31:32-33)

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