Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thank God! Glenn Beck

And as long as I'm online, I have to post briefly a prayer of thanks at the news that Glenn Beck's television show is coming to an end. I'm not being ironic when I say that I'm offering a prayer of thanks. I wondered how long it would take even the people at Fox to decide he had gone too far. I will be disappointed if they decided he had gone too far only because he was losing viewers (not because they have the scruples they ought to).

I also have to pray that this move isn't just the prelude to his doing something worse.

A recurring figure in the Book of Mormon is a man who uses "flattering" or "cunning" words to stir people up to anger for unrighteous purposes. These figures function, literarily, as the anti-type of the prophets, who also use the power of speech to stir people up—in their case, of course, for righteous purposes. Glenn Beck thinks of himself as a prophet, who proclaims the truth and stirs people up to do good. I think he's the anti-type. And so I'm grateful that he will no longer have the high-profile platform he's enjoyed for the past couple of years.

This is not my doctrine:
to stir people's hearts up to anger
one against another.
But this is my doctrine:
that such things should be done away.
(3 Nephi 11:30)

I hear the rebuke that verse gives to me, too.

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