Saturday, September 1, 2012

All Are Worthy

Worship resources appropriate for September 9. Built around the theme of the worth of every individual, or based on scriptural readings indicated for the day.

Scroll down to find the following:
  1. A call to worship - responsive style
  2. A call to worship - narrative style
  3. A repentance reading
  4. Disciples' generous response

Responsive style
Inspired by 2 Nephi 11:98-99, 104-105, 113; D&C 16:3c

Leader/1st Reader:
Is there anyone to whom the Lord says: Depart from me?
No. He says: Come to me, all—
black and white, male and female, Jew and Gentile.
All:      Christ our God,
the worth of souls is great in your sight!

2nd Reader:
He eats and drinks with people whom others shun as sinners.
He reaches out to touch people whom others call unclean.
All:      The worth of souls is great in your sight!

3rd Reader:
He listens to people whom others think should keep quiet.
He is kind to people whom others wish would go away.
All:      The worth of souls is great in your sight!

4th Reader:
He makes time for children when others consider them a nuisance.
He welcomes women among his disciples in a society that favors men.
All:      The worth of souls is great in your sight!

5th Reader:
He reaches across the barriers that separate his tribe from others.
He shows compassion to people who are in his country as enemies.
All:      The worth of souls is great in your sight!

6th Reader:
He willingly suffers for the sake of all people.
As he is dying, he prays for the people who tortured him.
All:      The worth of souls is great in your sight!

Leader/1st Reader:
Has he commanded anyone that they should not come and partake of his goodness?
No. All are equally privileged, and no one is forbidden.
All:      Christ our God,
the worth of souls is great in your sight!


Narrative style
Adapted from 3 Nephi 5:14-17; 8:27

1st Reader:
The Lord said to the crowd:
“Stand up, and come to me.
Touch the wound in my side.
Feel the prints of the nails in my hands and feet.”

2nd Reader:
So the crowd went forward,
one by one,
until they all
had seen with their eyes
and felt with their hands,
and knew that it was him.

There were about 2,500 people in the crowd—
men, women, and children.

3rd Reader:
After they all had gone forward
and witnessed for themselves,
they shouted together:

Hosanna! Blessed be the name of God, most high!

3rd Reader:
Then they bowed down at Jesus’ feet
and worshipped him.


Inspired by D&C 163:2b

1st Reader:
Living Christ—
Your love for us is more impassioned than the greatest passion we have ever known.
It streams out to us, like light streaming from the sun.
No matter what we have done wrong, or failed to do right, you embrace us.
No matter how many times we have already asked, you forgive us.
You have blessed us with life . . . ,
redemption . . . ,
nurture . . . ,
community . . .
We could not begin to repay your generosity to us.

[There is a substantial period of silence for reflection.]

1st Reader:      Living Christ—
All:                  We thank you
for your abundant gifts of grace.

2nd Reader:
We are not as generous toward others as you are with us.
We are not as compassionate, or concerned, or welcoming, or forgiving.
We do not treat others as the beings of inestimable worth that you see them to be.
Sometimes this is because we act selfishly or thoughtlessly.
Sometimes it is because we have been hurt or unjustly treated.
Sometimes it is because we are part of an unjust system that diminishes the worth of others.

[There is a substantial period of silence for reflection.]

2nd Reader:    Living Christ—
All:                  Transform us, by your grace,
to be generous, as you are generous.

3rd Reader:
We long for relationships that are harmonious, nurturing, and just.
We long for these qualities in our families and friendships . . . ,
in the church . . . ,
at school and work . . . ,
in our neighborhoods and communities . . . ,
among nations . . .
Where there is pain, we long for healing.
Where there is division, we long for reconciliation.

[There is a substantial period of silence for reflection.]

3rd Reader:     Living Christ—
All:                  Restore us, through your grace,
to healthy and righteous relationships.


Adapted from James 2:15-16

1st Reader:      If a brother or sister lacks clothing or food,
and you say to them…

2nd Reader:    “I pray that you will not be cold…”

1st Reader:      or…

3rd Reader:     “I pray that you will have enough to eat…”

1st Reader:      but you do not give them the things they need—
what good is that?


David Howlett said...

Thanks for posting this! I'm using one of the responsive readings in our service in Maine tomorrow.

John-Charles Duffy said...

I'm glad you found something here useful! Thanks for letting me know.