Sunday, July 29, 2012

Remembering the body of Christ

A post-Communion responsive reading for August 5. This was written with the idea that it could be used as part of the Disciples' Generous Response.

Reader 1:
Christ, our Teacher—
we have done as you have commanded us.
We have broken bread and blessed it
in remembrance of your body.

Jesus, we remember your body.

Reader 2:
Christ, our Savior—
we remember that we are your body.
Through baptism and the gift of the Spirit,
you have united us to yourself with an unbreakable bond.
How can we ever adequately thank you?

Jesus, we remember your body.

Reader 3:
Christ, our Advocate—
we remember that all who have been baptized
are beloved and necessary members of your body.
Help us see and uphold the worth of every member of your church.
Teach us to love one another, and to be one.

Jesus, we remember your body.

Reader 4:
Christ, our Head—
we remember that because we are your body,
we are the hands and feet through which you act in this world.
We offer our gifts to your service.
Use us as your instruments to bless the lives of others.

Jesus, we remember your body.

[The Leader then offers a prayer for the Blessing and Receiving of "Abolish Poverty, End Suffering" Contributions and Mission Tithes.]

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