Saturday, March 19, 2011

Libya and closer to home

I give thanks that the UN agreed to call for a no-fly zone in Libya, though I wish that decision had been made sooner.

I give thanks that this isn't being done unilaterally by the U.S. but in tandem with other nations, including especially Arab countries.

I pray that somehow a just peace and an effective democratic government can be established in Libya.

May the stone roll forward.


Much closer to home, and on a much smaller scale, I'm praying for Grouchy Mama. I've finally buckled under to sentimentality and named the dozen-or-so feral cats we're now feeding each night. Grouchy Mama, unfortunately, had the epithet attached to her back when I was still just working by descriptions instead of names. Anyway, she's been hugely pregnant, then she disappeared for a few days, and now she's back—not pregnant. This is not a good situation, demographically, and everyone might be better off if most of the litter doesn't survive. But I'm praying for them anyway. I'm too sentimental not to.

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