Monday, May 25, 2009

A virtual health blessing

It's just the words, because for various reasons, that's all I'm in a position to offer. But if I'm going to offer even just the words, the time to do it is now.


Heavenly Father,
you gave your Son power to heal all manner of afflictions:
consecrate this oil for the blessing of the sick and the afflicted.
In Christ's name, amen.


----- --------- -----,
calling on the power of Christ,
I anoint you with this oil,
which has been consecrated for the blessing of the sick and the afflicted.
In Christ's name, amen.


----- --------- -----,
calling on the power of Christ,
I seal the anointing you have received,
and pray God's blessing upon you.

I pray that that the results of these tests will not be what we fear.
But if that proves not to be the case, I pray that you will be emotionally prepared.

I pray that whatever time remains for you on this earth will be fulfilling.
I pray that you will be guided to set goals and make plans that will bring you joy and a sense of accomplishment.

I pray that you will be able to stay active until the end.
I pray that you will not be in pain.
I pray that you will be at peace.
I pray that God will uplift you.
I pray that you will feel Christ's presence.
I pray that you will have comfort.

I pray that the Spirit will help you find meaning in this disease and this way of dying—a meaning that will strengthen you and give you courage and let you come to the end, whenever it comes, with a feeling of completion.

In Christ's name, amen.


Be with her, God.
Be with her to the end.
And make damn sure she can tell you're there.
You owe her that.


Yes, all right. I get the message. I know how this prayer has to be answered.

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