Saturday, December 8, 2012

God Is among You

A number of worship resources designed as options for December 16, the third Sunday of Advent. Scroll down to find:
  • Confession – Luke 3:7-16
  • Focus Moment – 3 Nephi 1:13-14 or 1 Nephi 3:46-65
  • “Second Witness” Scripture Reading – D&C 108: 5g, 9d-10b
  • Disciples’ Generous Response – Philippians 4:4-6
  • Sending Forth – Philippians 4:4-5, 7 or D&C 161:7

Based on Luke 3:7-16

Reader 1:
Crowds came to John to be baptized by him. 
He said to them:

Reader 2 / John:
If you wish to escape the coming judgment,
bring forth the fruits of a changed life.
Even now, the ax is in place,
ready to strike at the roots of the trees.
Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit
will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

All: Lord, we hear your prophet’s words.
        What must we do?
        Tell us how to change our lives.

Reader 2 / John:
Everyone who has two coats
must give one of them to someone who has no coat.
Everyone who has food
must do the same.
All: Lord, we hear you.
        We will share what we have with others.

Reader 1:
Some of those who came to be baptized
were tax-collectors and soldiers—
[people who worked for the imperial government].*
They asked John: “What of us? What must we do?” 
He told them:

Reader 2 / John:
Do not benefit yourself
by extracting more from people than the law requires.
Do not take advantage of your position
to mistreat anyone, or extort them,
or take anything beyond your salary.

All: Lord, we live and work in a world that is not just.
        But we will treat others as justly as we are able.

Reader 2 / John:
I immerse** you in water.
But someone else is coming—
someone more powerful than me,
someone far greater than me—
who will immerse** you in the Holy Spirit
and in fire.

All:  Lord, immerse** us in your Spirit.
        Transform us, and our world, with your fire.

Allow a few minutes for silent prayer and reflection.

* Alternatives: for the conquering powers; for the Roman occupation
** Alternative: baptize



Option A uses part of the scriptural passage proposed in the suggested outline for worship. Option B uses a different Book of Mormon selection, one that is more explicitly related to the theme of the third Advent candle: love.

Option A. 3 Nephi 1:13-14

Contemporary language:

I am coming into the world
to show the world
that I will keep every promise
I have made through the prophets.

I am coming into the world I created*
to carry out the plan
I have been revealing to the human family
since the world began.

The work I come into the world to do,
I do as both “Father” and “Son”:
as “Father,” because I am God;
as “Son,” because I am born in a mortal body.

* Or: I am coming to my people

Traditional language:

I come into the world
to show the world
that I will fulfill all that which I have caused to be spoken
by the mouth of my holy prophets.

Behold, I come to my own
to fulfill all things
which I have made known to the children of men
from the foundation of the world

and to do the will
both of the Father and of the Son—
of the Father because of me,
and of the Son because of my flesh.

Option B. Excerpted from 1 Nephi 3:46-65

Contemporary language:

I looked and saw a tree,
more beautiful than anything I could have imagined
and whiter than snow.

I said to the Spirit:
“You have shown me the tree
that is the most precious of all things.”

The Spirit said to me: “What do you want?”
I replied: “To know what the tree means.”

The Spirit said to me, “Look!”
I looked and saw the town of Nazareth,
and in the town, a young woman of marrying age.

The sky opened up,
and a messenger from heaven came down and stood in front of me.
The messenger said to me:
“The young woman you see
is the mother of the Son of God!”*
I looked again, and saw the young woman
carrying a child in her arms.

The messenger said to me:
“Do you understand now the meaning of the tree?”

I replied:
“It stands for God’s love,
which shines in people’s hearts.**
That is why the tree is the most desirable of all things.”

The messenger said:
“Yes—and the thing that brings people the greatest joy!”

* 1830 edition: is the mother of God
** Or: which radiates out into people’s hearts

Traditional language:

I looked and beheld a tree.
The beauty thereof was far beyond all beauty,
and the whiteness thereof exceeded the driven snow.

I said to the Spirit:
“Thou hast shown me the tree which is precious above all.”

He said to me: “What desirest thou?”
I said to him: “To know the interpretation thereof.”

He said to me, “Look!”
I looked and beheld the city of Nazareth,
and in the city, I beheld a virgin.

I saw the heavens open,
and an angel came down and stood before me.
He said to me:
“The virgin whom thou seest
is the mother of the Son of God.”*
I looked and beheld the virgin again,
bearing a child in her arms.

The angel said to me:
“Knowest thou the meaning of the tree?”

I answered him:
“It is the love of God,
which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men;
wherefore it is the most desirable above all things.”

He spoke to me, saying,
“And the most joyous to the soul.”

* 1830 edition: is the mother of God


D&C 108: 5g, 9d-10b

This passage could be read alongside the recommended preaching text from the lectionary, Zephaniah 3:14-20, in the “second witness” style. For an example of that style, see this post. 

Contemporary language:

The Lord,* the Savior,
will stand among his people,
and his rule will extend over all who live.

He will proclaim:
“I have completed the work!
I have established justice among all people!
I alone have done it!

“This was the day my heart longed for:
the day of reckoning for those who wronged my people!
In my outrage, I have leveled them to the ground
like a worker trampling grapes in a winepress,
like a warrior victorious in battle.

“The jubilee year has arrived—
the time appointed for my people to be set free!
They will praise their Lord** for his loving-kindness,
for all that he has done for them in his goodness and love.
They will praise him forever!”

All that they suffered, he suffered with them.
He sent his most trusted angel to rescue them.
In his love and compassion, he freed them.
All through the past, he supported and carried them.

* Alternatives: the Mighty One; the Holy One
** Alternatives: their Ruler; their Defender

Traditional language:

The Lord, even the Savior,
shall stand in the midst of his people,
and shall reign over all flesh.

His voice shall be heard:
I have trodden the winepress alone,
and have brought judgment upon all people;
and none was with me.

“I have trampled them in my fury,
and I did tread upon them in mine anger;
their blood have I sprinkled upon my garments,
and stained all my rainment;
for this was the day of vengeance which was in my heart.

“And now the year of my redeemed is come,
and they shall mention the loving kindness of their Lord,
and all that he has bestowed upon them,
according to his goodness, and according to his loving kindness,
forever and ever.”

In all their afflictions he was afflicted.
And the angel of his presence saved them;
and in his love, and in his pity, he redeemed them,
and bare them, and carried them all the days of old.


Adapted from Philippians 4:4-6

Reader:  At all times, rejoice in the Lord!
               I repeat: Rejoice!

All:         Lord, this world is hard.
               Still, you have given me reasons for joy.

               Pause for prayer and silent reflection.

Reader:  Be gentle to everyone.
               The Lord is close!

All:         Lord, I want to be gentler,
               more loving,
               more generous.

               Pause for prayer and silent reflection.

Reader:  Do not be worried about anything.
               Bring all your needs and concerns to God
               through prayer,
               always giving thanks.

All:         Lord, I bring you my needs and concerns,
               my goals and hopes—
               and my gratitude.

               Pause for prayer and silent reflection.
               Mission tithes are then blessed and received.



Option A. Adapted from Philippians 4:4-5, 7

At all times, rejoice in the Lord!
I repeat: Rejoice!
The Lord is almost here!
Do not be worried about anything.
In Jesus Christ, you have God’s peace—
a peace beyond all understanding,
a peace that will set your hearts and minds at ease.

Option B. Adapted from D&C 161:7. Alternatively, this responsive reading might be used during the Focus Moment.

Reader: The Spirit of the One we follow
All:         is the spirit of love and peace.

Reader: That Spirit seeks to abide in the hearts
All:         of those who would embrace its call and live its message.

Reader: The path will not always be easy;
All:         the choices will not always be clear.

Reader: But the cause is sure,
All:         and the Spirit will bear witness to the truth.

Reader: And those who live the truth
All:         will know the hope and the joy of discipleship in the community of Christ

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