Saturday, November 10, 2012

Help Us Remain Faithful

Some worship resources appropriate for November 18.

Adapted from D&C 162 and 163

1st Reader:    People of the Restoration!
                       Listen to the Voice that speaks from beyond the farthest hills!
                       It calls you once again
                       to the work of the One whose name you claim.   [D&C 162:1a-b]
All:                 Lord, help us remain faithful to your name, and to your work.

2nd Reader:   Listen carefully to your sacred journey as a people.
                       You have been given a foundation of faithful service,
                       even as you build a foundation for what is yet to be.   [D&C 162:2a-b]
All:                 Lord, help us remain faithful to our heritage of service.

3rd Reader:   Strive to be faithful to Christ’s vision
                       of the peaceable kingdom of God on earth.
                       God is calling for a prophetic community,
                       characterized by uncommon devotion
                       to the compassion and peace of God revealed in Jesus Christ.   [D&C 163:3b, 11a]
All:                 Lord, help us remain faithful ministers of your compassion and peace.

4th Reader:    Faithful disciples respond
                       to the abundant generosity of God
                       by sharing according to the desires of their hearts.
                       Give generously according to your true capacity.   [D&C 163:9]
All:                 Lord, help us remain faithful to our commitment to give.

5th Reader:    You are loved with an everlasting love
                       that delights in each faithful step taken.
                       God yearns to draw you close.
                       Come before your Creator,
                       and discover the blessings of the gospel anew.   [D&C 163:10:a-b]
All:                 Lord, help us love you as faithfully as you love us.
                       Help us remain faithful.


Excerpted from D&C 45:4a-b, 5a-b

This passage could be read in tandem with Mark 13:1-8 in the “two witnesses” style. For an example of the style, see this post.

Traditional language (lightly updated):

[I]n that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars,
and the whole earth shall be in commotion,
and [people]’s hearts shall fail them,
and they shall say that Christ delay[s] his coming
until the end of the earth.

[People’s] love . . . shall wax cold,
and iniquity shall abound . . .

[N]ow, when I the Lord had spoken these words [to] my disciples,
they were troubled.
. . . I said [to] them: Be not troubled,
for when all these things shall come to pass,
[you] may know that the promises which have been made [to] you
shall be fulfilled.

Contemporary language:

The news will be full of wars and threats of war.
The whole world will be in turmoil.
People’s hearts will sink into despair.
They will say: “Unless Christ returns soon,
there will be no earth left for him to return to!”

People will turn cold and unloving.
Evil will thrive.

When I, the Lord, taught these things to my followers,
they were disturbed.
But I told them: Do not be alarmed.
When you see these things happening,
know that everything God has promised you
will be brought to pass.


Adapted from D&C 102:11d

Traditional language:

The Lord says:
Be faithful,
and behold and lo,
I am with you even unto the end.
Even so. Amen.

Contemporary language:

Christ says to us:
Be faithful.
Look, and see—
I am with you to the very end.

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