Monday, July 23, 2012

Come and be fed

A responsive call-to-worship for July 29:

1st Reader
(Leader):       The Lord invites all to come and partake of his goodness!
All:                Lord—we have come to be fed.

2nd Reader:   When the people of Israel wandered in the wilderness,
                     the Lord provided for them with manna and quails.
All:                Lord—we, too, have come to be fed.

3rd Reader:    When Lehi and Sariah’s family were in danger of starving in the desert,
                     the Lord showed them where to hunt for game.
All:                Lord—we, too, have come to be fed.

4th Reader:    When a widow of Zarephath and her child ran out of bread, and out of hope,
                     the Lord gave them flour and oil that never ran out.
All:                Lord—we, too, have come to be fed.

5th Reader:    When a crowd who had traveled to hear Jesus needed to eat,
                     he multiplied a few loaves and fishes and gave them all their fill.
All:                Lord—we, too, have come to be fed.

6th Reader:    When the Lord brought the Latter Day Saints to Independence, Missouri,
                     he commanded them to prepare a feast for the poor, and for all people.
All:                Lord, we are willing—but we, too, need to be fed.

1st Reader
(Leader):       The Lord says: “Come to me, all you ends of the earth.
                     Buy milk and honey, without money and without price.”
All:                Lord—we have come to be fed.

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