Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This is for the Tea Partiers, and Glenn Beck, and the naysaying Republicans, and the spineless Democrats who talked big two years ago about their commitment to "ensuring quality, affordable health care for every single American" and now expect people like me to thank them for the watered-down gruel they're offering us instead, which in their customary incompetence they may not be able to pass through the Democrat-controlled Congress anyway.
O my people,
they who lead you cause you to err,
and destroy your pathways.

The Lord stands up to plead;
he stands to judge the people.

The Lord will enter into judgment
with the elders and rulers of his people;
for you have devoured the vineyard
and despoiled the poor in your houses.

What are you thinking? says the Lord God of Hosts.
You beat my people to pieces,
and grind the faces of the poor!

(2 Nephi 13:12-15)

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