Sunday, February 28, 2010

D&C 58:26-28

An oft-quoted passage in a very free "retranslation."


Go. Do it.
Do not wait for orders.
Do not wait for approval.
Do not wait for the authorities to sign off on the project.
Do not wait for direction through the proper channels.
Just go.
Do what you are convinced
will be for a good cause.

Do you remember the parable of the talents?
I reward risk-taking.
I value individual initiative.
I gave you gifts.
I gave you a mind.
And I give you the freedom
to use them as seems best to you.

In a world full of need,
go find ways to do good.
Follow your heart.
Trust your instincts.
Apply your reason.
Use your judgment.

Don't worry too much about whether it's "the right thing."
Don't stress about whether "the right people" approve.
Don't let such worries paralyze you
or make you afraid to pursue your vision.
Stay attuned to my Spirit.
Keep before you the example of my Son.
Learn from experience.
And I am confident you will find ways
to be a blessing to others.

I’m happy to bounce ideas around with you.
Whenever you want to talk, my door is open.
But believe me—
the power is already in you.
So go strike out on your own.
The world desperately needs
creative, innovative experiments for good.

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