Monday, March 30, 2009

A new nephew . . . and troubling news

I learned today that I have a new nephew. I don't have any more news at this point than a photo of the little burrito (you know, wrapped up the way babies are), but it seems the delivery went well for mother and child. Thanks to God for that.

I also received some troubling news today related to the faltering economy and it how it might affect my finances this coming year. It's stressful to think about. My Book of Mormon is sitting on my desk right now, open to 3 Nephi 13:31-34, about taking no thought for what you shall eat or drink; your Heavenly Father knows you have need of all these things; take no thought for the morrow. Trust God, I tell myself. But I'm vividly aware that I live in a world full of people who are placing their hope in God and are still living in poverty, hunger, disease. Trusting God isn't the same as being assured that things are going to work out the way I hope they will.

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