Sunday, October 19, 2008

4 Nephi: Visions for an ideal world

My reading this week—3 Nephi 27 through 4 Nephi—is rich, and there's a lot I could focus on. I feel moved, though, to follow a line of thought that connects with my post last week on the millennial vision of Mormonism inspiring me to hope for a world where liberal religion triumphs over fundamentalism and liberal conceptions of human rights prevail over abominations like anti-gay violence.

So to follow through on that, I'm going to focus on 4 Nephi, which tries to imagine what an ideal society would look like, how to get there, and what can keep it from happening or enduring. Let me say up front that I don't entirely agree with this chapter's vision—or, to be more precise, I feel the Spirit cautioning me that aspects of this chapter's vision are limited and misguided and pointed in an ultimately unfruitful direction. But I'm in dialogue with the chapter, trusting that the Spirit wants to use my reflection on these words to lead me into a greater understanding of truth.

Writing those words makes me realize that I forgot to pray at the beginning of this scripture study session. So let me pause to do that—to pray for my mind and soul to be enlightened, to pray for the Spirit to teach me, to give me in the very hour what to say that may be edifying for people who might read this reflection.


4 Nephi tries to answer the question: How does an ideal world come into being? What does an ideal world look like? The answer is that it's a world where everyone owns everything in common so there's no such thing as rich and poor. There's also no such thing as bond or free, which is a part I tend to gloss over because slavery feels past to me (though there are activists who would warn me that it's not), but that's an important part of the vision, too. Everyone is free, whatever that means exactly. Everyone is dealt with justly. There's universal peace. There's no contention, no strife, no violence. There are no ethnic divisions, no meaningful tribal/racial identities, no partisan identities. Desolation produced by natural disaster is rebuilt, to the extent it can be. The society is prosperous—there's abundance. And there's healing—that's important for this author, too. Miracles are performed through the exercise of Christ's power that improve people's lives in physical ways.

Okay, so there's our vision of the ideal world. So far, I can sign onto this. Amen! May it be! Thy kingdom come!

Now: how does this come about?

For the author of 4 Nephi, it comes about because everyone is converted—truly converted, transformed, sanctified—to the gospel of Christ. Everyone becomes part of the church of Christ, which is therefore the only church in existence. And it is one. There's no multiple denominations recognizing one another as brothers and sisters in Christ in some invisible ecumenical sense. There's one organization, led by the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus and their successors.

So, two things going on here. One: Everyone is converted to the same religion; everyone belongs to the same church, which means in practical terms that everyone submits to the same religious authorities. That's a big part of what it means to say that there are no contentions and disputations (think back to 3 Nephi 11, where Jesus ends contention and disputation by laying down the law for once and for all and threatening damnation to everyone who doesn't obey). Two: The love of God dwells in the hearts of the people, as a consequence of their having been truly converted.

You can probably tell which part of this I'm going to resist and which part of this I like—which, to be precise again, really means which part of this I sense the Spirit telling me represents the word and will of God. To borrow words of Joseph Smith: Which part of this tastes good?

I believe that bringing about an ideal world—or at least moving closer to that world—requires that the love of God dwell in people's hearts, and I believe that requires conversion, i.e., an abiding commitment to gospel principles. I testify that is true; the Spirit bears witness to my mind and heart that this is true; and to the extent that this is what 4 Nephi is trying to say, 4 Nephi communicates the mind and will of God.

I don't believe that everyone has to belong to the same church or the same religion in order for that conversion to occur. Believing that would require me to sign onto a dualistic worldview that says: only in this one religion, or this one church, can people experience bona fide regeneration through the Spirit. There are lots of people today who call themselves "orthodox Christians" who believe precisely this, though some have been sufficiently influenced by pluralist values that they want to nuance the claim somewhat. There are plenty of Mormons who believe a version of this: ask your Sunday School class what the difference is between people outside the Church feeling the Spirit on occasion and members of the Church having the gift of the Holy Ghost, and you'll quickly uncover the attitudes I'm talking about. And those attitudes are there in part because the Book of Mormon itself preaches this kind of dualistic worldview. Now, within just a few years of the publication of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith's preaching will begin to open up possibilities for a less dualistic worldview—to recognize God, the Spirit, revelation, etc., operating in people's lives outside this one church, even to grant certain possibilities for salvation outside this one church. But those possibilities are still constrained within an insistence that everyone ultimately ought to belong to our church.

I don't believe that. When I recognize the good in other people's lives, when I see the amazing commitments to service and sacrifice and justice and love lived out by people in a variety of religious traditions—or in non-religious traditions—then doctrines that insist that ultimately those people's goodness isn't the real thing, that it needs to jump through certain administrative hoops, needs to submit to the "proper authorities" and the "proper channels"—those kinds of doctrines look just niggardly. They strain at gnats and swallow camels. They're centrally preoccupied with questions of authority and a desire to draw exclusionary boundaries, and I fail to see how that is a manifestation of the love of God that overcomes disputations and makes us all one.

I know the comeback: Well, if everyone would just recognize that this is the one true church and join it and submit to God's appointed leaders, then that would put an end to disputations and would make us all one. But again, I have to say: What a niggardly vision. What an authoritarian vision. You can only be one with people who share your particular religious beliefs, or belong to the same church? That's... I'm spluttering here, groping for how to make you see what's wrong with that. Yes, I will grant you, unity means accepting shared beliefs, shared values, a shared identity. But a worldview that says, Everyone has to belong to my church before we can have an ideal world, or at least has to embrace Christianity broadly defined—that worldview has a far too narrow conception of what's necessary to unite us.

In fact, I'd say that vision of unity tries to evade the hard work of learning to love, learning to find ways to be one with, people who are different from us in dramatic respects. It's a vision that restricts the transforming power of God's love. The biggest miracle to me, the greatest accomplishment, would not be a world where everyone had joined the LDS Church, or where everyone had at least become Christian. It would be a world where Christians and Muslims and Buddhists and atheists came together to institute the regime—the "kingdom"—of justice and peace and unity and freedom and economic equality that 4 Nephi envisions. That would be a world where love abounded, because it would be a world where people were doing the harder work of loving and forging unity with people who don't already belong to your narrowly defined group: your tribe, your church, your religion.

I have no illusions about the fact that the vision I'm trying to articulate here is exclusionary in its way. I've said I want forms of liberal religion to triumph over the various fundamentalisms. Learning how to love fundamentalists would be a task even harder than the ecumenical project I'm envisioning here. It's a challenge I'm not sure I'm up to at the moment, though it's one I believe God will eventually require of me.

1 comment:

elderchild said...

“Love Not The World”

”For the WHOLE world is under the control of the evil one”(I John 5:19)

Rather simple to "see" what the world is, for those with "eyes to see"? The Messiah declared the world to be wicked, and i believe it rather simple to "see" that the world is that 'place' where money is 'god', and 'god' is money. That 'place' where The Only True GOD's Order, which is HIS Will, has been cast aside, replaced by the "imag"ined systems of mankind, and especially the religious systems which create but confusion, dis-order, and every evil work. Yet to those who are of this world, such a 'place' is a paradise. And what better represents such a 'place' than that which is called the u.s. of a.?

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world will pass away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of The Only True GOD will abide for ever.” (I John 2:15-17)

“If you were of the world, the world would love it’s own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said unto you, the servant is not greater than his Master. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept My saying, they will keep yours also.” (John 15:19-20)

“Where do wars and fighting among you come from? Do they not come of your lusts that war in your members? You lust, and have not: you kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: you fight and war yet you have not, because you ask not. You ask, and receive not, because you ask amiss, that you may consume it upon your lusts. You adulterers and adulteresses, don’t you know that friendship with the world is to be at enmity with The Only True GOD? Therefore whoever will be a friend of the world is the enemy of The Only True GOD.” (James 4:1-4)

“The world cannot hate you; but the world hates Me, because I testify that the works of this world are evil.” (John 7:7)” and “The Messiah gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of The Only True God, Our Father.”(Gal 1:4)

The Messiah testified: “If the world hates you know that it hated Me before it hated you.”(John 5:18) Truly, Truly, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die it brings forth much fruit. He that loves his life in this world shall lose it; and he that hates his life in this world shall have it unto life eternal.” (John 12:24-25)

John testified: “Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hates you.” (I John 3:13) “ James testified, “Whoever would be a friend of this world is the enemy of GOD”(James 4:4)

The “earth” is The Creation of The Only True GOD, Father of ALL! The “worldly” systems are the creation of, and under the dominion of “the god of this world”, he who is “the father of lies”, he who “has blinded the minds of those who believe not The Messiah”! All the nations of this world are under the dominion of, and serve, the evil one for he provides the fuel that feeds mankind’s “imag”ination, and mankind’s “imagination is destroying and perverting Creation(land, air, water, creatures, Truth, Love, Peace, Faith, Simplicity, .etc.) ;-(

And the “strongest thing” in the evil one’s worldly systems? “Woman”…… yet The Truth, that which is of The Only True GOD, is stronger even than woman. (read I Esdras 3&4 of the Apocrypha) And Truth, Love, Peace, Faith, Mercy, Hope,,,etc,,, all that is “good”, is of The Only True GOD and is of HIS Spirit, not of this world. Those born of The Spirit, those born of The Only True GOD, are the brethren of The Messiah, for they received "a love of The Truth that they might be saved”. Reborn!

And those who have received "a love of The Truth” have separated themselves from this world and those of this world, for they have taken heed unto The Call of The Only True GOD to “Come out of her MY people.” They are “in, but not of this wicked, evil world”, and The Only True GOD has received them, and is "A Father unto them, and they are HIS sons and daughters”. And they follow, and desire to be like their Master and Brother, The Messiah, He Who was “the firstborn of many brethren”. And as “The Messiah was a servant of The Only True GOD”, so also His Brethren are “servants of The Only True GOD.”

The called out ones are not “adulterers and adulteresses”, they are not “friends of this wicked, evil world”, they do not “fornicate with the god of this world” for they know that “to be a friend of this world is to be the enemy of The Only True GOD.” They are at war against the evil spirits that possess those who are of this world.

And they do not “allow that woman Jezebel, which calls herself a prophetess, to teach. For she teaches others to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. The Only True GOD gave her a chance to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.” (Rev 2:20-21)

“fornication” and “adultery..” in that which is recorded above signifies spiritual fornication with “the god of this world”, which is to love that which is of his world.

Once again, the “earth” is The Creation of The Only True GOD, Father of ALL! The “worldly” systems are the creation of, and under the dominion of “the god of this world”.

Those who “love this world” all serve “the god of this world”, and play their part in the processes that seek to destroy The Creation of The Only True GOD. “And The Only True GOD will destroy them who destroy the earth.” (Rev 11:18)

Global warming, polluted air, land and waters, toxic wastes, sexual perversion, evil inventions of destruction, greed, hate, carnal warfare, dis-ease ,,,etc,,, are all destructive processes that have their root in “the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life”.

And as stated, “woman is the strongest thing of this world”. Yet stronger than woman is The Truth, which is in those who have “received a love of The Truth”.

The Truth Is Alive in those who have been born of The Spirit for “they no longer love this wicked, evil world and it’s things, nor do they love their own lives in this world”.

They but seek and desire The Will of GOD, their Father and Creator, as they await their final transformation. “Corruptible to Incorruptible" ndeed and Truth!

Now “the ground was cursed for Adam’s sake” because he “hearkened unto the woman”.

Adam listened to a woman rather than obeying The Only True GOD. Yet because of Faithful Noah, The Only True GOD “no longer would curse the ground for man’s sake” because Noah obeyed The Only True GOD! (Genesis 8:21-22)

And the Faithful today are exhorted to “love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.” And Faithful women are exhorted to “be in silence.” “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. For I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” “For Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” (I Timothy 2:11,12,14)

A man and woman joined together in obedience and submission unto The Only True GOD are blessed indeed. All who are not obedient, all who will not submit themselves unto The Only True GOD will have to answer to HIM..period..

Be not of those who deny and defy “The One GOD, Father of All”. Be not of those who are destroying and perverting HIS Creation(land, air, water, creatures, Light, Truth, Love, Peace, Hope, Mercy, Thankfulness, .etc.)!

Paul testified, “The Only True GOD is The HEAD of The Messiah, The Messiah is The Head of the man, and the man is the head of the woman”. Multitudes pervert GOD’s Order because they have been seduced by ” the commandments and doctrines of men and devils”.

Multitudes are seduced by the religious systems that are in and of this evil world. Seduced because they love this evil world and their own life in it!

“Set your affections on things above”. Desire heavenly, eternal things. Quit serving ‘time’ in the prison that is this world and take heed unto The Call of "The Only True GOD" to ”Come Out of her, MY people!”

Once again, “Come out” from among those who are destroying and perverting Creation and be of those who follow The Messiah on “The Way to The Truth of The Life”.

“Come out” of the worldly systems, which are the product of mankind’s “imag”ination, especially the religious systems. "Pure religion and undefiled before GOD The Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the world." (James 1:27)

Simply, all other religions are impure, defiled and of this wicked, evil world!

Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of this world, for "the WHOLE world is under the control of the evil one" indeed and Truth.......

Truth is never ending.......