Thursday, July 31, 2008

Some good news . . . some, anyway . . .

Tonight our town council voted unanimously to pass a new ordinance, effective immediately, that considerably reduces the maximum fees that towing companies can charge. The company that's been doing the towing at our apartment complex complained in advance of the meeting that the proposed ordinance—now in force—would probably prevent them from being able to work in our town. (They're located two cities away from us.) One town official I spoke with after the meeting theorized that the towing we've been seeing over the past couple of days was a big push by the towing company to make as much money as they could before the ordinance passed. There are times I wish I believed in hell . . .

As I was sitting in the council chamber before the meeting started, I realized how utterly exhausted I felt, even feverish. It's from being angry all day. "Why am I angry because of my enemy? . . . Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul" (2 Ne. 4:27-28). What happened tonight was a good thing. I'm grateful to the mayor, grateful to our town government. I'm grateful to God. On the other hand, the new ordinance only mitigates, not resolves, the exploitation. The new ordinance only mandates that the powers that be strike somewhat softer blows on the backs of the poor.

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